Muscle Exercise Physiology Explained
Being diagnosed with a lifelong health condition can be challenging to come to terms with, and so can finding out you’ll need to take X amount of medications daily to fight pain and keep your condition under control. Fortunately, there are proven ways to reduce your meds, become healthier and stay healthy, improving your quality of life in the process. One of these areas of healthcare is muscle exercise physiology, which can be just as enjoyable as beneficial.
At Kinetic Medicine, our fully-qualified and accredited exercise physiologists can help you take control of your condition and your life. Exercise physiology has been proven to help people with conditions ranging from arthritis to cancer. It isn’t a pseudoscience that’s an alternative to medicine. It IS a form of medicine, hence the name of our practice.
Muscle exercise physiology is used to relieve symptoms in people suffering from musculoskeletal conditions, which includes common ailments such as neck, back, and shoulder pain. Our exercise physiologists will – after assessing your condition and ensuring you have an in-depth understanding of it – prescribe a physical activity programme based on the latest proven techniques to relieve your symptoms, improve physical functions and reduce any rate of deterioration that your condition has on your physical and mental health.
If you’d like to learn more about the proven benefits of exercise therapy, we welcome you to call our physiologists on 02 6557 7479 to book an appointment or ask for advice. We operate in five practices along the NSW Mid Coast in Taree, Forster, Gloucester, Wingham and Harrington. Find out how we can use movement as medicine by calling us today.