The Long Haul with Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a poorly understood health condition with no quick fixes or sure-fire treatments.  A chronic musculoskeletal syndrome, symptoms often manifest as unexplained persistent pain, and can also result in secondary effects like sensitivity to pressure or temperature. Pain is often widespread throughout the body. Pain can also be localised and can include symptoms of stiffness, weakness, headaches, physical and mental fatigue, sleep disturbances and mood alterations. People living with fibromyalgia often live with wildly variable symptoms and the secondary effects of persistent pain - memory problems, a reduction in their sense of joy in life, depression, anxiety and social isolation

As strange as it may seem though, a steadily building body of research has found that a specific, graded and systematic approach to helping those with fibromyalgia improve their physical capacity can help with managing fibromyalgia-related pain and facilitate dramatic improvements in the experience of disability. This approach incorporates managing pain sensitivity with great care, pain education, behavioural techniques, relaxation and mindfulness practices, development of safe exercise routines, strengthening and stretching exercises as well as planning for flare ups. 

Exercise can be a confronting idea when you are in significant pain. It sounds cruel to imagine that we should thoughtlessly encourage those who find basic daily tasks difficult to exercise. However, just as when you seek to use a medication effectively you get specific advice from your GP and pharmacist, a professional like an exercise physiologist is in the unique position to assist in the management of fibromyalgia and chronic pain. It is important that we exercise with the right care and supervision to make sure your exercises are appropriate for your current symptoms. Establishing a graded and systematic approach that works for you is achievable with the right help.

The most valuable and effective treatments we have for fibromyalgia aren’t contained in a pill, their held within the capacity of your body which can be brought our with care and compassion if you have the right health care professionals on your team.